The vision for Back2Eden News Mag was originally given by GOD on January 25, 2010, as Clarissa started out with a seven page newsletter and then on September 16, 2013, Back2Eden News Mag, LLC, became a business because Clarissa's mother SOWED into her vision and made it a reality!

What started as a newsletter, was then converted to a digital magazine. Back2Eden News Mag is a Kingdom-based, Faith-filled publication that brings real life stories of tragedy to triumph, chaos to peace, ignorance to wisdom, while bringing others from being powerless to powerful and so much more. We are connected to believers in Jesus Christ who STAND for speaking the unadulterated TRUTH from the Word of God. 

Our desire is to provide a Kingdom-based platform and outlet within the area of media, as we reach all generations, denominations, and economic arenas, within all of the 

four corners of the earth as the acronym NEWS stands for (NORTH, EAST, WEST & SOUTH) within Back2Eden News Mag! Back2Eden News Mag will NEVER PUBLISH GOSSIP, but only stories and testimonies that have a message tied to the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST that is aimed at bringing this world into alignment with HIS WILL for mankind and the Agenda of the Kingdom of God.

The theme for the company, (BACK2EDEN NEWS MAG),  is rooted within the scripture of First Corinthians 3:9, "For we are fellow workmen (joint promoters, laborers together) with and for GOD; you are God's garden and vineyard and field under cultivation, (you are) God's building." (Amplified Version).

On August 17, 2014, the Lord prophetically gave the owner, Clarissa, a dream where she was standing in the middle of an ocean waiting for the waters to hit the shoreline, but once the waters were suppose to come, there was no water, but BOOKS that were overlaid at her feet. She said that God spoke to her and told her that there would be many people coming from all walks of life to birth their stories/testimonies of healing and deliverance as conquerors, to be told for the first time and that she would become their BOOK MIDWIFE.

From this prophetic dream, Back2Eden News Mag Publishing was born as a branch from Back2Eden News Mag, LLC.

The publishing company stands firmly on Romans 8:37, "No, in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." (Christian Standard Version).

Clarissa's concept was rooted in GOD'S ORIGINAL CREATION that He first set within the Garden of Eden between man and woman, (Adam and Eve), even when we live in a world full of misconceptions and deceptions of what a UNION is really suppose to be within the EYES OF ALMIGHTY GOD!

The love connection that actually took place between Julius and Clarissa Rhinehart, first started when Clarissa asked Julius to be a writer within her digital magazine, back in March of 2016 and five months later, they would become marital partners and business partners as well, as of August 24, 2016!

Their LOVE for KINGDOM NEWS and keeping people connected with the TRUTH, is a sure thing that only GOD could have connected them to be together as a Kingdom ORDAINED UNION that refuses to conform to the world but only concerned about being in the right alignment of the WILL OF GOD for their lives and within ministry.

The second digital magazine that was created under Back2Eden News Mag, LLC, was THE ELECT LADY Magazine, (T.E.L.), on November 28, 2018.

This magazine was put into place, not only to encourage and uplift minister wives, but any woman who is working diligently within the Kingdom of God and operating within her God-given purpose and assignment, as being elected by God to do so. The Elect Lady Magazine was inspired by the scripture in First John 1.

Julius and Clarissa Rhinehart are on a mission to tear down and to dismantle strongholds within the realm of darkness and especially within Media.

They look forward to continual growth in every aspect of their lives and beyond.